Good morning. It's almost 10 am and I am still in my dressing gown thoroughly enjoying the morning, listening to Luke Parkin on the piano, drinking coffee and taking photos of my vista. Thought I would share a few with you since quilting doesn't appear to be in my near future. This is the view from my bed - I know! Hard to take eh?
And here is one of the views from my beautiful kitchen!
That's Salt Spring Island across from us.
Sitting on my deck I had company for breakfast. He wanted a quiet moment to himself which hey, we can understand so I left him(?)to dine alone.
That is our neighbors yard he is heading for. Plantings need to be carefully chosen to survive in Crofton.
Here's the last one for today - the mill, ferry from Salt Spring Island unloading and the edge of Crofton's RV Park. Crofton has a deep sea port so we get to watch freighters swing by, tugs towing barges and much more.
Must send this now and get on with my day. Hope yours is the best. hugs.